Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Clean House Upsets Me!

Usually when I'm stuck on a project, I will work on another task until inspiration hits. Something I hate doing or that I have been putting off for a while.

As odd as that may sound, nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than something boring or mundane. I suppose that is because I would rather be anywhere/doing anything else. Literally. So my imagination just runs wild. 

I could be doing this.... 
I wish I was here... 
I've never tried this... 
I wonder what might happen if... 
I recently read...

I've hit a stale patch in my writing this week and I've tried my usual tricks to no avail. Cooking, baking, laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, even dishes.... I'm desperate!!

Hopefully, I can find some inspiration and work through this funk before I had to resort to something drastic, like windows!

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