Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Doesn't everybody hate poetry?

It's National Poetry Month, I'm happy that many people are embracing and celebrating their inner poet. The world could do with more poetry. More good poetry, I should say. I'm especially excited that schools are involved in National Poetry Month, I can only remember a handful of times that we studied poems/poetry in school when I was growing up.

Not everyone is happy to be studying poetry this month. For an assignment, one student wrote a poem, his topic? How much he hates poetry! This poem has been getting a bit of attention recently, and rightfully so. This 5th grader took the time to express his feelings and hatred of poetry with great imagery.

Image via Tumblr

Usually when asked to do an assignment that was less than appealing students put in minimal effort, instead of writing a cookie cutter "I have a dog named spot, he likes to run a lot" style poem, Panajotis expressed his disgust and anger in a creative (and visual) way.

No Panajotis, everyone does not hate poetry, but we're glad that you chose to share how much you do. I would love to see your creativity at work with something you do enjoy!

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