Thursday, April 3, 2014

On Writing

I have always had a love of writing, it has gotten me through some rough patches in my life. It always seemed much easier to express those difficult emotions through writing, even if it was in a world of fiction. Even when I wasn't physically writing, I was making up scenarios and characters in my head.

I fell in love with the written word at an early age. Some of my very early memories are of being read stories by my older sisters. My dad taking me to get my very first library card and picking out my very first book. I don't remember the name, it was a book about a hunter and a bear, but I remember we laughed so much while reading it. It was like a doorway into another world and as soon as I could read myself, I read everything I could get my hands on. Mostly, my older sister's school readers. It wasn't long before, I started writing my own stories.

Several years back, I stopped writing, though I can't remember why. One day, I just didn't write. Not having a creative outlet was hard, and more and more I find myself thinking about writing. So I've decided to jump back in and get my feet wet, so to speak, through blogging. 

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